Sunday, October 28, 2007

Druids Tanking Prince

A few weeks ago, my main tank dc'd shortly before Prince. While I had heard of druids tanking Prince I was really unsure of my ability to do so. I was wrong, we make excellent tanks.

First off, let me explain our positioning:

Okay, we use the door strat. I positon myself near the end of the wall right before the dip of death. The raid stands at the red circle, better known as the G-spot (Get out of the guttah!). Also notice the crevice that can be used as a safe spot for melee. Basically I get into position and get a MD.

Now onto tanking... Start of with a mangle/maul combo followed right by a demo roar and a FF. Keep FF and Demo roar up at all times while keeping up a stack of 5 lacerates and mangling your heart out. Do this until phase two. Phase two is the funnest phase. It is where you can get 6 shot in a matter of 4 seconds. This is the phase where you want to burn your pocket watch or badge. Don't burn both in case the end gets tricky. Other than that, have very proactive healers, and you should be okay. Phase 3 is cake... seriously.

Be aware that infernals love to block you in sometimes. If one threatens you, move closer to the door and have your group go to the door. If one threatens your group, move closer to the door with them as well. If you have one on each side of you and are boxed in try and stand where the hell fire is not hitting. IF they are both hitting you, move closer to the group so only one hits you. Healers can heal through that though it is very hard. As for melee... hope you got ammo!

Hope this helps

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