Monday, May 26, 2008

Healing as a feral

This is a parse from a recent trip to BT. We were on Naj'entus for the first time. We carried 10 great healers. I placed number 5. How did I do this?

Here are some fantastic tips for healing as a feral (in your healing set):
  • Don't be afraid of potting: For the love of Pete... pot and pot often. Raiding costs gold. Get used to it.
  • Develop a good rotation. I usually have a stack of LB on the tank as well as a rejuv. During the timers, I usually throw a few LBs/rejuvs on the raid.
  • Be focused. Get to the heals first.
  • Work on your healing gear. Realize that you can be a valuable healer.
  • Read up on your class. Understand the mechanics
  • PVP! It helps develop quick reaction times.
  • Spec resto. Understand the mechanics of the spec. It will give you lots of insight to healing.
  • Lastly, don't be afraid to ask tips from the other healers. Take it with a grain of salt and apply it to the situation
  • Don't forget to have fun!

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