Sunday, September 9, 2007

Leveling again

Leveling? What is that?

Being capped out at 70 for quite a few months now has made me oblivious to the joys of leveling. With me and my friends needing something to bring back the fun in the game, and keep that spark alive; we decided to start out fresh and level some new toons. This by far was one of the best ideas we have ever come up with. It is nice again to feel the awkwardness of playing a new character that you know nothing about, and finding yourself immersed in the world as something different that what you started. It really opened my eyes to a much different play style.

Did I think I was going to play a priest as my next new class? Honestly, no. What I did think is that I was going to get around to leveling a shaman. Fortunately my friend created Manahole (translation: Man Hole) on my account. While we both laughed at what he had done, I suddenly found myself logging on to this character. It occurred to me about 2 hours later and level six that this was something new and fun. I really think the new content helped as well as something new to look at from the backside. But anyways, I thought that I would just level enough to see the content, then I would delete him like a former priest Cyden. What I did not expect, is that I would soon be playing him as much as my main.

Now level 30, Manahole has really developed into an exceptional priest. It is really a new experience playing a full time healer (and yes, I am going to spec him holy/disc all along the way). I feel very accomplished when we are able to finish a run with little or no casualties, and minimal downtime for drinking. It also feels great that I am needed. Healers can be pretty rare these days. Luckily there is no shortage of heals from this little guy.

I really suggest that you find a small clique, and try this out. You will find yourself having loads of fun, and easy leveling. I must say, the experience you gained from grinding to 70 really does help, and make it a very smooth transition from a noob to leetness.

I would actually like to thank all my friends that level with me. This includes: Stan, Dark, Sky, Shadow, and many others I meet along the way. I love you guys and really cherish the fun times we have together. I hope to reach level 70 with all of you at my side.

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