So I logged on yesterday.....
and got an in game mail from one of my Kara buddies. It turned out that he was expecting his brother for dinner and that he could not make it. No prob! I completely understand. After all, his brother is flying in from Japan. Okay, so I am one person down for Karazhan. No biggie! We can fill that spot!
Hrm!? Phone call? Who could be calling me? What nuber is this!?!?! So of course I just let the caller go right to my voice mail (because I am a coward). So a minute later I get that annoying bleep!! sound when you have a new message. I play it, and immediately realize it is one of my teammates. He tells me that he has just moved into his new house and everything is well. I felt relieved until the but. WHY THE HELL MUST THERE ALWAYS BE A BUT!!! So I listen on. He says that he does not have internet. Okay I am two down. I can still manage. Kara will go on!
So one of my favorite hunters log on. She is the queen of niceness and politely tells me that her husband (our second tank, and a damn awesome warrior) can't make it. Granted this was perfectly okay. He has been sacrificing a lot to stay part of the team. Right now he is stationed in Germany 9 hours ahead of our Kara start time so I completely understood that he did not feel well and needed his rest.
Oh, I forgot to mention that our awesome pally happens to be on a tour of Europe. I have been finding good candidates for replacing our beloved noobadin, but last night was not the case.
So here is how Tuesday went down:
3 hunters
4 druids
1 lock
1 priest
1 rogue
Horrible group makeup to say the least.
So we start out with 9 (I could not find a healbot) and down Attunemen no problems. After that I readdressed the need for a healer. Sadly, the best we could do is a feral druid. Then we move on to Moroes (with two wipes up to him). We get ready, and pull him. WIPE! Okay, We come back and get him the second time. Next is Maiden. We clear up to her, pretty messy. We get into position, and have my offtank tank because my healing gear is very good. Well, to say the least, I thought I could keep him up. Sadly he went down faster than panties on prom night. We came back and I put on my tanking gear. We managed to take her down.
Now frustrated and 11:45 we continue to pull. We get to the big nasties on the way to Opera and wipe. That was it, I was done. I was totally emotionally spend and has only pessimistic views of what we were going to be up against.
I learned many things last night:
A) If you have 3 members that cannot make it, call the raid.
B) Don't have feral druids heal if you can help it.
C) Hunters confuse one another and it is very funny to watch.
D) When things get bad just call it. Not like it is the end of the world.